Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Medical finding

On Sunday Jan 3, 2010 I sent the following email to my Special Friends list:

A personal update – some have been asking…

Short version:
On Sunday 12/27/09 (a week ago today) evening I developed severe heart burn that turned into an ambulance ride to the Tucson Medical Center emergency room. A cat-scan and chem-stress test ruled out heart problems but they ‘discovered a spot’ on my pancreas.

I came home on Thursday 12/31 with some anti-acid pills and appointment on Monday 1/11/10 for a ‘procedure’ (put a camera down my throat and retrieve a sample of the spot via a needle through the stomach).

Longer Version
Sunday evening my stomach felt like a strong heart burn that Rolaids should cure – but 4 tablets later the pain was still there. My heart rate went to 40, blood pressure to 80/40 and my color was gone! In the ER they gave me 2 nitro pills and my blood pressure and heart rate dropped to the pass-out stage.

They did a cat-scan, chem.-stress test, two MRIs, and daily blood test. The blood test ‘marker’ identified cancer in the body but they could not be sure of the source.

To complete the diagnosis they scheduled me for a biopsy at University Medical Center on Monday Jan 11. Then the UMC will complete the diagnosis and suggest treatment options – if any.


That man is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. - Jim Elliot